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GRACISM: The Art of Inclusion


JULY 28-29, 31 and AUGUST 1-2 (no class Wed., July 30)

Gracism: The Art of Inclusion by David A. Anderson

Gracism is defined as “positively extending favor to other people in spite of or sometimes because of color, class or culture.” Whether you are in a multicultural or mono-cultural corps community, this workshop based upon the book Gracism: The Art of Inclusion will provide you with the knowledge and the practical skills needed to build bridges across cultural differences with love and respect.

Looking through the lens of 1 Corinthians 12, this workshop will lay the foundation for ‘Gracism’ and explore the seven sayings of a Gracist: I will lift you up, I will cover you, I will share with you, I will honor you, I will stand with you, I will consider you, I will celebrate with you. Gracism is ‘radical inclusion’ for the marginalized and for the excluded.

Gracism: The Art of Inclusion will provide a fresh perspective on how Christians can do life together across the barriers that divide and have a positive impact upon corps, community, and family ministries.

This workshop will be led July 28-29, 31 and August 1-2 by Captains Enrique & Nancy Azuaje, Alfredo Martinez, and Karen Young of the Territorial Multicultural Ministries Department. There is no class on Wed., July 31. Sign up at CBLI registration!

Next: Entrenamiento de Liderazgo Y Discipulado
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