Psalm 139:1 “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.”

“Believers in God’s word have endured, survived and overcome throughout generations by standing on their faith and assurance in The God Who Knows us, sees our circumstances and is ever present with us in His plan for us. God knows me personally and is at work in me to will and act according to his plan for me specifically.”
These words come to us from Envoy Brenda McSwine’s message, TRUSTING THE GOD WHO KNOWS (US). She also provides links for recommended songs and the background to LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING, a mainstay for Black History Month. You are invited to use these to craft your Sunday meeting.
This year, we invite you to participate in the Cultural Heritage Project as the focus for Black History Month 2025. In these “Episodes,” nine individuals share stories that represent a part of their cultural heritage.
Our invitation to them was to, “Share something that reflects their ethnic or cultural heritage.”
It could be a picture, a drawing, a poem, a person, an object, food, music, an activity, a place, etc. We asked them to think about what comes to mind and to tell us about it.
The topics and the items chosen to describe the topic were selected by the participants, who were both officers and employees. And each topic was unique to the individual.
The project is an invitation to share deeply meaningful stories and to build understanding within our diverse work and ministry spaces. We hope it will deepen an awareness of the beauty inherent within our different cultural expressions and strengthen our community.
Sharing stories about your own cultural heritage can happen informally, even as a pop-up or a spontaneous meeting. Take these opportunities for making connections with coworkers, volunteers, and in small groups.
“Share something that reflects your ethnic or cultural heritage. It can be a picture, a drawing, poem, a person, an object, food, music, activity, place, etc. What comes to your mind? And what can you tell me about it.”
Envoy Brenda McSwine’s message, TRUSTING THE GOD WHO KNOWS (US)
Companion PDF Files:
Graphics Files:
Episodes can be viewed weekly or as your program schedule provides.
Episode 1
Grilling & Gathering: A Recipe for Community – Lt. Mario Bledsoe
Question: What are some of the things you’ve seen that bring people together?
Episode 2
Episode 2: Sunday’s Best – LaKeysha Fields
Question: What is an experience that significantly shaped who you are today?
Episode 3
Episode 3: The Road Taken – Major Dale Simmons
Question: When have you chosen one path over another? What was the result of your choice?
Episode 4
Episode 4: A Life Rewritten – Johnny Robinson
Question: Have you ever had to give up a cherished hope or dream?
Episode 5
Episode 5: Spinning Memories – Akerah Mackey
Question: What aspects of your cultural heritage do you find the most empowering or inspiring?
Episode 6
Episode 6: Sharing Sorrel: A World of Welcome – Lt. Donna Gooden
Question: What is one way you actively try to pass on your cultural traditions or knowledge to others in your life?
Episode 7
Episode 7: Jumping the Broom – Wayman Mattison
Question: What are the ways we acknowledge the past?
Episode 8
Episode 8: A Legacy to Celebrate – Major Karen Holness
Question: What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from your family or community about your heritage?
Episode 9
Episode 9: Where Hope Finds Us – Captain Daniel Simmons
Question: What message would you like to pass on to future generations about the importance of understanding and embracing cultural heritage?
Full Video Playlist