Cultural Awareness Week 2021 Toolbox

Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week (May 17-23) and World Diversity Day (May 21)

The 2021 Cultural Awareness Week resources come to us from the Mission and Culture Department of the USA Southern Territory.

The Mission and Cultural Ministries department is thrilled to share with you resources for the above observance to take place May 17-23.

USS Assistant Territorial Sergeant Major Terri Neville shares a daily devotional (Monday –  Friday) regarding Citizenship in the Kingdom of God. You may share the Ministry Toolkit (MTK) link below with your soldiers, employees, or friends of the army or print these devotions and share them. Each of the devotions contains a link to a worship song with lyrics recorded by transMission for a time of reflection.

There are resources for planning a Sunday worship service with sermon and PowerPoint prepared by ATSM Terri Neville, which include links to worship songs (with lyrics) recorded by Kentucky Tennessee Divisional Director of Music, Joel Collier.

You will also find resources for children’s activities, as well as the Kingdom Citizenship logo and poster.

May God honor and bless you as you observe Cultural Awareness Week and World Diversity Day (May 21, 2021).

*Resources in Spanish and English!


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