The ONE Conference
October 13-15, 2023
USA Central Territory
Intercultural Ministries Department
AM Workshops
Morning Workshops: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Unity, Justice & The Gospel
Rasool Berry
Workshop Description
We live in an increasingly polarizing world that divides over issues of race, ethnicity, culture, and justice. This workshop will break down the biblical wisdom offered to us to promote cross-cultural, multi-ethnic unity that advocates for justice.
Biblical Response to Social Justice Issues
Major Katherine Clausell and Elyse Dobney
Workshop Description
In a world in which inequity abounds, and definitions feel subjective, we can lose sight of the teachings of Jesus. Jesus provides a clear outline of how His people are to respond to injustices in our communities. This workshop will explore the Biblical foundations throughout the entirety of the Bible that require us to do justice. Together we will navigate how God has called, and continues to call, The Salvation Army to serve and love His people and work towards “on earth as it is in heaven.”
S.H.I.F.T: Diversity Recommendations and Guidance for Christian Organizations
Michelle Loyd-Page and Michelle Williams
Workshop Description
Two seasoned diversity professionals share insights from their diversity playbook that will help diversity professionals and organizational leaders examine their current efforts. In this interactive workshop, Session leaders will guide participants through their S.H.I.F.T model of organizational change. With group dialogue and engagement, participants will walk away with several tools to help access their current diversity efforts and progress along a desired continuum toward change.
The Culturally Intelligent Leader
Michelle Ami Reyes
Workshop Description
What is the difference between leaders that succeed in today’s globalized, multicultural world and those that fail? The answer is cultural intelligence (CQ). In this interactive workshop. Dr. Michelle Ami Reyes will define cultural intelligence, discuss the benefits of cross-cultural engagement, and help leaders apply CQ to their context, so that they can interact effectively with those who have different cultural values.
The Three Practices
Michael Swanson
Workshop Description
This session will be an all-are-welcome introduction to the three practices approach as well as an interesting/ low-pressure chat. Don’t worry… no one will call on you.
3 Practices discovery circles help people to understand each other. The differences we explore in discovery circles are rarely disputes. They are, mostly, revelations of things about us that no one would guess, and no one would know unless we chose to disclose them.
These circles create space for understanding that sometimes we see things differently – and sometimes we see different things.
The Three Practices are:
I’ll be unusually interested in others.
I’ll stay in the room with difference.
I’ll not compare my best with your worst.
Beyond Tokenism: Cultural Diversity and our Witness
Susie Gamez
Workshop Description
What does it mean to live out meaningful cultural diversity? And what does diversity have to do with our witness? In this workshop we will discuss cultural diversity beyond superficial or performative measures and explore how living into a meaningful expression of cultural diversity bears powerful witness to the world around us.
Spanish Workshops AM
Nehemías, liderazgo para la reconstrucción y el avivamiento
Major Alan González
Workshop Description
En este taller, veremos que la fidelidad se transforma en éxito ministerial. Pero el rol de un líder y su éxito no se reflejan solamente en los éxitos materiales o numéricos. A veces es necesario exponer lo que anda mal, para que tenga lugar un avivamiento real, y Nehemías lo hizo. Por lo tanto, Nehemías es un modelo a imitar.
PM Workshops
Afternoon Workshops: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
How to Lead a Dynamic Biblical Prayer Meeting
Major Marc Johnson
Workshop Description
This workshop will be based on the book, And the Place Was Shaken: How to Lead a Powerful Prayer Meeting, by John Franklin. Main concepts to be addressed include:
What a Biblical pattern of prayer looks like (and how to implement that in your local Corps/congregation)
How to pray together in such a way that we experience the presence and power of God
How to have a God-centered format in our prayer meetings to transition from a “needs-centered” format to a “God-centered” format
We will experience an abbreviated corporate prayer meeting during the workshop!
Immigrants and Refugees: What Does the Bible Say About Them and Us?
Carla LaFayette
Workshop Description
Immigrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, forced migration, mass migration. These terms are hot topics around our country, not just in political and social arenas but also in communities of faith. What should be our response to this? How should we navigate these conversations? What does God say about this? Let’s grapple with these issues together and look to Scripture for some guidance!
Cross-Cultural Ministry Takes More Than Love, It Takes Skill
Emanuel Padilla
Workshop Description
Cultural Competence is a skill. It can be learned, improved, and forgotten. In a changing world marked by historic inequalities this skill is critical for ministers of the gospel. In this workshop, Emanuel Padilla introduces a framework for measuring cultural competence and determining points of growth. Attendees will reflect together on how different levels of competency can hinder or strengthen their ministry among the least of these. Attendees will examine the connection of this competency to other critical ministry skills like contextualization and leadership within their social location.
Trauma-Informed Strategies for Responding to Adverse Experiences
Elyse Dobney & Peggy McGee
Workshop Description
Multicultural ministry naturally leads us to engage with people who have very different lived experiences than our own, some of which have been painful. This workshop will look at adverse individual, community and collective experiences that cause harm in the lives of those around us including ourselves, coworkers, leaders, and those we serve. Given the frequency and variety of these experiences, it is not possible to understand the lived experiences of everyone. Instead, we will focus on identifying concrete strategies to provide trauma-informed support to all those with whom we engage.
S.H.I.F.T: Diversity Recommendations and Guidance for Christian Organizations
Michelle Loyd-Page & Michelle Williams
Workshop Description
Two seasoned diversity professionals share insights from their diversity playbook that will help diversity professionals and organizational leaders examine their current efforts. In this interactive workshop, Session leaders will guide participants through their S.H.I.F.T model of organizational change. With group dialogue and engagement, participants will walk away with several tools to help access their current diversity efforts and progress along a desired continuum toward change.
The Three Practices
Michael Swanson
Workshop Description
This session will be an all-are-welcome introduction to the three practices approach as well as an interesting/ low-pressure chat. Don’t worry… no one will call on you.
3 Practices discovery circles help people to understand each other. The differences we explore in discovery circles are rarely disputes. They are, mostly, revelations of things about us that no one would guess, and no one would know unless we chose to disclose them.
These circles create space for understanding that sometimes we see things differently – and sometimes we see different things.
The Three Practices are:
I’ll be unusually interested in others.
I’ll stay in the room with difference.
I’ll not compare my best with your worst.
Spanish Workshops PM
Niños sanos para una sociedad mejor: Principios bíblicos
Major Mary Gonzalez
Workshop Description
El objetivo del taller es revisar lo que está escrito en cuanto a la enseñanza de la palabra de Dios a los niños, en lo relativo a crear hábitos y valores que son básicos para lograr equilibrio emocional en ellos. Se abordarán la importancia de la comunicación intrafamiliar, el uso de la autoridad y la necesidad de explicar el “por qué” de las decisiones, prohibiciones, y limitaciones que los padres imponen. Una parte muy importante del taller versará sobre la Orientación Sexual para los niños: ¿dónde deben aprenderla? ¿En la escuela? ¿Cuál debe ser el rol de los maestros? ¿Está bien aprender en las calles? También el rol de los amigos, la interacción con grupos de presión y de juego. ¿Y qué en el hogar? (padres: orientación y ejemplo). También se dedicará un espacio para explorar cuáles son las señales que indican que algo no anda bien, cuándo es necesario buscar orientación y a quién acudir.