Multi-Ethnic Christian Life Primer


Small Group (or Individual) Study on Multiethnic Life and Church

An eight week guide to walking, working, worshiping God together as one.

mecc_christian_life_primerThe Multi-ethnic Christian Life Primer is the first personal devotional and small group study on multi-ethnic life and church designed for people in the pews. Through this eight-week experience you will grow in your understanding of the biblical mandate for the multi-ethnic church, and gain practical insight for doing life together with diverse others beyond the distinctions of this world that so often and otherwise divide. Eight chapters (weeks) provide seven daily readings to stimulate personal and missionary formation, focused on Theology, History, Considerations, Relationships, Communication, Competence, and Biblical Reflection. Chapters include: Why Multi-ethnic?; Why Now?; Obstacles to Date; Systemic Issues; What God is Doing;How Should I Respond?; How Should the Church Respond?; and Living a Multi-ethnic Christian Life. Written by Dr. Mark Deymaz and Oneya Fennell Okuwobi.

This Book Will Teach You How To:

  • Why multi-ethnic? Why Now?
  • Obstacles to Date; Systemic Issues.
  • What God is Doing;How Should I Respond?
  • How Should the Church Respond?
  • Living a Multi-ethnic Christian Life.

About The Authors

Oneya Fennell Okuwobi serves as the Director of Cross Cultural Education at Peoples Church (Cincinnati, OH), which has transitioned from a 98% Caucasian commuter church to a church that reflects the diversity of the city (25% international, 25% African American and 50% Caucasian). She is also the founder of TranscendCulture, a small organizational services firm dedicated to resourcing the multiethnic church. Oneya is a graduate of the University of Virginia (B.A. – Economics) and Regent University (M. Div. Practical Theology). Oneya has previously written Crossonomics, a study designed to bridge socio-economic gaps and Transcend, a workbook designed to stimulate conversation on racial issues.

Mark Deymaz recognized leader in the emerging Multi-ethnic Church Movement, his first book, Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church (Jossey-Bass/Leadership Network, 2007), provides the Biblical mandate for the multi-ethnic church and outlines seven core commitments required to bring it about. The book was chosen as a finalist in 2008 for a Christianity Today Book of the Year Award and for a Resource of the Year Award sponsored by Outreach Magazine, in both cases a nominee in the Pastoral Leadership category. In his second book, Leading a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church: Mixing Diversity Into Your Local Church (Zondervan/Leadership Network, 2010, 2013), Mark identifies seven common challenges of a multi-ethnic church and demonstrates, through sound exegesis of Scripture, culture, and experience, how to overcome the obstacles. The Multi-ethnic Christian Life Primer is available in iTunes and from A PDF can be purchased at

*Credit: author bio from

Retrieved from 01/14/14.


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